Everything Else

Time: Too much? Not enough? 
It's all a choice. 

Hi Friends! 

Welcome! Here on this page you will find "everything else." I will be posting random entries that don't fit under any of my other pages. Only fitting to be called "everything else" right? :) 

My past few weeks summed up:

First Off! 
It's March! Wait.. what?! Already? Why is it the older I get the faster the seasons go? I guess being a wife, working a full time job, traveling 7 days a week, teaching gymnastics, training for the half marathon, and leading small groups at Church take up most of my time. With everything my hubby and I are involved with, I should not be surprised that time doesn't stand still. Maybe I feel this way because of the crazy winter (or lack there of!) we had this year? NOT COMPLAINING, though! So thankful for the beautiful temperatures we had--- traveling all day makes you thankful for things like sunshine, cool (not cold or freezing) temperatures, and little or no snow. Frankly, I'm not a fan of "dashing" through the snow, at least not during the work day! Ha, I'll do it, of course, but this mild winter rocked! It was quite the blessing. Praise you, God, for little snow fall. However, hopefully we won't pay for it this spring. My prayers and thoughts go out to the families who have suffered tremendous loss from the devastating tornadoes that ripped through our region. So heartbreaking.  

Moving on... 

2 weeks ago, I took a MUCH needed weekend vaca with my in-laws 
(sis-in-law, mom-in-law, and gma-in-law!) 
Just the girls!! What a great vacation. Although it was a short weekend trip to Gatlinburg, the quality time spent with Matt's gals was amazing. Lots of shopping, eating, sleeping, laughing, and just being girls. What a blessing to have married someone who has such Godly, Christian women as family. I'm blessed.

Enjoy some of these fun pics from our trip!! 

 Very yummy Apple Fritters! (Apple Barn!)

Being goofy inside a tree at the Cumberland Falls. 

:) Little Grandma 

Loved the "tea in the mason jar" idea. 

We had a great weekend. 
Fun, relaxing, and much needed :)

SO much needed, that I asked my aunt this past weekend to pray for me concerning some decisions about all the things I'm involved with. I love EVERYTHING I am doing, but is it too much? Have I filled every moment of my life with "something" that I've forgotten my main priorities? My God, My Husband, My Emotional Well-Being? Maybe not "forgotten", but my time is so spent that sometimes I find myself getting bitter- and that's definitely not a fruit of the spirt!! (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control- Gal 5:22.) So something needs to go so I can bear these fruits and nothing more.
Well, guess what I've been learning about this week? 
Yep-- time. 
How appropriate, right? I think in the past I've had a hard time saying "no." 
Ok, I know I have a hard time saying no. 

But listen to this devotional from my kindle fire, "Rick Warren's Daily Devotional"- 
A reminder that I shouldn't be bitter- because everything I do is MY choice. Thankful that in HIS freedom I can chose, but maybe I've chosen too many things? 

"Choices Control Your Calendar. 
Your choices are far more powerful than your circumstances. You may not like how complicated your life has become yet no one is forcing you to keep your life complicated. You have the power to simplify your life. In fact, God expects us to assume responsibility for our lives and to carefully choose how we spend our time. You have just enough time to do God's will while you're here on earth. You've been given just enough time to fulfill your purpose. When you try to do more than God planned for you, it's only natural that you'll find yourself constantly out of time or stressed over your schedule. My prayer for you is that you will find relief from stress and a new sense of satisfaction as you do only the things God created you to do."
Wow. God was speaking right to me, and maybe to you too. I pray that I can say "no" to all the "stuff" in this world that may distract me from my relationship with God and from the things God has created me to do. 
As my dad reminds those who work under him, as well as me and my sisters: "Keep your priorities straight: God, Family, Work. In that order." 

Good reminder, huh?  

Oh BTW- I love praising God with Kari Jobe: "Where I Find You." You should check her out on iTunes. 

Have a happy week!

"Let all BITTERNESS and wrath and anger and clamor and slander 
be put away from you, along with all malice. 
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you. 
Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love." 
Ephesians 4:31-5:2

1 comment:

  1. Ash, I miss you lady!! I love reading your posts. You write the way you speak and as I read it, I can imagine this conversation happening at a little white iron table on the porch at root a bakers! You w your cute little diet coke bottle and my wine glass of sweet tea!!! Miss you friend and I hope we can find some time for big girls soon:)
